Having successfully run training programmes on a commercial basis since 1989, in 2003 the organisation successfully applied for charitable status and now operates as a charitable social enterprise. This enables the organisation to achieve its mission of offering transformational personal development for all, making the programmes accessible to as many people as possible.
The Outlook Organisation partners and supports other organisations seeking to improve the lives and opportunities of groups in society. The courses are suitable for service users, staff and management alike.
Many people facing particular challenges have benefited from the courses, including; cancer patients, disabled people, young offenders, deaf and blind people and many others. Pilots have been run to assess the effects and results of the courses for these people. The results are extremely positive in terms of making a difference to people and changing their lives for the better.
Our charitable work is supported by a community of fundraisers, benefactors and trusts. If you have a group you feel could benefit from the outlook experience, get in touch with us and we can work together to develop a programme.
“As a charity we have the opportunity to make a big difference and that’s what interests me. I’m passionate about making our powerful and often life-changing courses available to those who may not otherwise have the chance.
The prisons project for young offenders was one of the most difficult but rewarding things I have ever done – seeing the transformation in those young people was incredible.”
Penny, Outlook Organisation Trustee
NOTE: This donation box uses the term "Direct Debit" for both one off and regular donations. We would like to reassure you that if you choose "one-off" as you go through you will not be debited more than once.
The Prison Project
The organisation ran a pilot programme for persistent re-offenders in prison. The aim was to break the cycle of re-offending, enabling people to move forward in their lives. Outlook have now developed their course into a format which can be easily delivered in a custodial setting, contributing to a reduction in re-offending and helping prison managers achieve their targets.
The lack of self-worth and low self-esteem characteristic of many offenders can be a trigger to offending behaviour. Experiencing their inherent self-worth is something that a participant will hold on to, both in custody and after release, giving confidence to live a new life free of crime.
The tools and life-skills that the course gives to participants can lead to a safer, more peaceful, cooperative and less violent prison environment. Setting realistic goals and providing ongoing support towards their achievement can contribute both to resettlement targets and to a reduction in re-offending.
Feedback was excellent, the following comments are indicative of the general theme of the feedback:
“It really made me think about where I came from. How I ended up in here. Why I make bad decisions. How I can change what I do so I don’t come back. I can’t be arsed with coming back here all the time.” Jeff, 18
“Course was wicked. Not like the other courses they get you doing in here. Fun as well. Got me thinking.” Charles, 20
“I thought it was going to be difficult to get through the course being the only adult in a group of young offenders. But the way the course works, and the helpers and Tony [the Trainer], means that everyone’s treated the same and they make sure of that. [Tony] really made me think about things and gave me some really good ideas on how I can change the way I relate to people. I want my partner to do the course!” Alex, 25
“Something so simple … it’s amazing how it makes you think. Made me realise that I concentrate on what I can’t do instead of what I can. That’s what’s fucked me up in the past.” Simon, 19
“I’ve done so many prison programmes to change my behaviour but they’re all no good and I just go because I got to. This was fun though and I really enjoyed all of it especially the helpers. They really care.” Tim, 18
Outlook Course
If you know of anyone who would like to do the Outlook course or has been unable to take it because of financial constraints then this may be their opportunity to benefit from this genuinely life-changing training at a reduced price due to our charity funds.
Essence Projects
The second Outlook Course, Essence, can be transformational in your life in many ways. After the course, participants are encouraged to take on a charity project of their own, to give something back to their community in the true essence of the Outlook Organisation. Essence projects have ranged from painting care homes, taking disadvantaged children to LegoLand for a special day out, camping out to raise money for charity, and the organisation of all manner of successful fundraising and out-reach events.
Essence Project at Legoland
"For our Essence project, we supported a charity who deliver food packages to people with AIDS and HIV. We volunteered for them with some of the participants working in the charity's kitchen, some driving to people's homes and some delivering the food packages.
We also raised about £10,000 through a number of ways such as a quiz, karaoke evening and parachute jumps which was enough to pay for the Christmas deliveries including toys for all the children of affected families."
Anthony Ford
Outlook Support and Assisting
The three days of the Outlook course can be transformational for many participants, and we recognise the need to provide support both during and after the course. Structured support from Outlook is available for as long as the participant wishes, and the relationship between the Facilitator and participant often develops into a strong, supportive friendship lasting many years after the course. Outlook encourages former participants to assist on its courses, allowing them the opportunity to be trained to work in integrity within a dedicated team, and to revisit the course for themselves.