Note: The opportunity to book Essence goes out to people that have registered interest first.
Essence Course: Find your essence
Do you know what you are truly capable of? Have you ever been your best for four straight days? Would you like to know what would happen if you did?
On Essence you will astound yourself. This time and attention dedicated to you, will allow you to look beneath the layers of your persona and discover a personal power that you never dreamed of. You will leave with an amazing personal tool that will always support you. You will never forget the moment that you discover your essence. And when you have found it you’ll always know how amazing you can be.
“Outlook opened the door, but Essence blew the hinges off”
This course builds on the lessons learnt from the Outlook Foundation course, using processes to support you in going beyond your fears, discovering the core truth about yourself and finding insight into becoming the driving power in your life. The course focuses its learning through exercises, with each adding depth and further experience to help you find your true essence. Essence runs over one half day (Thursday) and three full days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
Our fears have such an impact on us. Some of our fears we are conscious of, others are unconsciously controlling our actions. In the first phase of Essence we discover that we have a strength inside us more powerful than any fear, and we learn how to access it. Each of us has a ‘core truth’ that has the power to change lives. This course will support you in discovering your ‘core truth’ and you will find the power that this has in your life.
You know how some people manage to ‘make things happen’? They seem to be able to create great enterprises, host parties, lead successful projects and never run out of luck? Imagine that inside of you is a source of power that can create whatever you want in life and mastermind your own luck. In the third phase of this course you will discover that source, and learn how to apply it to your own life in practical ways.
How it works
During the course you learn through experiencing group activities and individual exercises, all of which are dynamic, powerful, fun and incredibly insightful.
Exercises: there are a wide mix of different activities, all of which are designed to give you an experience to learn from. They consist of interactive group and individual games, and question and answer sessions.
Discussions: you have the opportunity to talk about and question what you have experienced during the exercises. You only need to speak if you wish and very often listening to others helps clarify things further.